Monday, June 12, 2017

Even Before the Sun Rises- What I know to be true

Monday June 12, 2017 at 12:21AM

Hello brothers and sisters, families, and dear friends,

I hope that life is going well back in the United States. It is crazy to feel that I am half way through the journey. Man. There many things I am needed to improve on in my journey thus far. The journey of striving to be a brighter light to others. To continually change and become more consecrated through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I believe that I have gotten closer and closer to understanding the Nature of God in my life and still much more to learn.

The work here has been hard and a blessing in my life. It has been life changing. One of the most beautiful moments was to see someone's conversion, their state of sanctification draws a bit nearer to that of God. For them to live a better life in harmony with God's will. One of the most beautiful moments is to share what I know is true in my life and with my utmost conviction bear it to those who God has put in my path. It's been a beautiful, well defined journey, thus far. One of the most beautiful moments is to see how a man whose desire to change his life impacts his loved ones. His wife, his daughter, and his son, and those all around him. Our willingness to accept the Gospel and to live it has an absolute impact to those around us. One of the most beautiful moments was to be teaching a family on an old shack, which happens to be on a full moon night and we simply   asked how the husband sees faith as.  He replies "Well sister, I don't know much,( as he points to the sky) but I believe and know that it's knowing for a certainty that the sun will rise tomorrow and that I will see its light so I can live my life, even if we are sitting here in the darkest of night".

I know that as I strive to pour every ounce of my sweat, tears, and love into this work, it's even much more sacred. It's even much more life changing for me and those around me.  I know that Jesus Christ lives with all of my heart. I know this to be true.

In one of my most favorite songs:

The only way you can know
You give it all you have
And I hope that you don't suffer
But take the pain...
Hope when the moment comes
You'll say I...I did it all

With Love and Gratitude,
Sister Sok

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Sunday June 4, 2017 at 11:23PM


Some are pictures and a video of my mission experience! Enjoy. Thank you so much for the support!

Sister Sok​

A Headlight to Hunt Frogs

Monday May 29, 2017 at 2:28AM

Hello Hello!

I hope all is swell in America! Things are good here in Cambodia!

I am doing well here. I am getting to know the Khmer people much on a personal level and I have gotten to truly know and sense my own cultural and national blood through being with my own people. I've learned to come to appreciate the love the people here have for me and how much of a difference their lives and hearts have changed in believing in Jesus Christ. We are teaching a family right now about the way they can find happiness through Jesus Christ and His Gospel: the Good News. The husband is struggling to stop smoking, so we have been helping strengthen him and his wife to stop smoking and create a healthier lifestyle for their family now and the eternal life.

Yesterday, we were riding our bikes to try to visit a member's house, the other pair of missionaries had to show us her house, because we were still a bit lost in the areas. On the way, my companion, Sister Jex had this feeling to stop by this lady's house, because it was flooding and she was trying to get the water out. We biked passed her house, but decided to bike back and help her get water out of her house. Inside her dark gloomy house, there was an old fragile woman who was hopelessly laying down on her bed. I asked the lady if I could go in and say Hello to her mother. The lady responded back that her mother is nearly on her death bed and is burdened with this illness. The lady told us that her mother is paralyzed from the waste down and could not move much. She basically lays there all day long. The lady welcomed me in and asked if I could take a blanket to cover her freezing body.Man, I felt so much of God's love for that woman as I sense the warmth of the blanket over her emaciated body. I gave her a hug and sang "I am a child of God" to her in Khmer. She smiled at me and asked what my name is. She could not speak or hear very well. But I could sense and guess what she was saying. My companion came in the house a few minutes later and told her who we are and our names.  We then opened the hymn book to sing"I know that my Redeemer Lives". The day was cool and super gloomy, but as we were singing to her she miraculously lifted herself up and sat up and looked at us. She started smiling endlessly and I know she could feel God's love for her. Despite the physical signals and form of communication, the sense of silence and the gloomy ambiance in the room strikingly whispers the love and hope that woman was holding onto . We shared her a simple message of God's love for her and spoke with her family. My companion and I felt really good that day.

On another day, we went out to teach a family who God absolutely placed in our paths to cross. The man had been fighting to make ends meet for his family. Their house was nothing but a little cell looking place. I mean 2 feet from the bed was their little kitchen that consisted of a pot, a bag of rice, a bag of salt, sugar, and fish sauce. That was pretty much it. The little house was consumed with mosquitoes. Since it was really small for us to teach, we would always share our message at member's shack in front of the family's house. I could the working miracle of the Gospel in this family's lives. As we were teaching the husband, he stopped us politely and asked sister, what exactly is a "tee bontul" testimony? Haha, then right away our member help just started bearing her testimony in the hope of explaining the word testimony of Jesus Christ. The man then started telling us how his life has started changing ever since he started learning about Jesus Christ. He then told us that he prayed to know the truth of the Gospel and that very night, he had received this dream that He saw a fair man  and of perfectly white stature far above his head. The brightness of his  glory consumed the his eyes that he couldn't distinguish the man's features exactly. Well, I decided to pull out a picture of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ picture to him. Oh my, he was like: Yeah, Sisters exactly like that! That's it. I dreamed of that GUY! hah oh my.

On the way back after the lesson with the family, I had this feeling to just see if our other investigator would be at her home from work. However,on  the way, well all of the way the whole village and forest is filled with flooded rain and mud. There was no way we could bike through. We got off our bikes and prayed to Heavenly Father if we should pursue the course knowing that I have no light and my companion's bike light was not so sufficient to see clearly. Right after the prayer, we saw this guy, like in the middle of a foresty area, came out of nowhere, who was wearing a headlight, hunting out some frogs. We asked if we could walk with him, and he was going the exact same way as us. OH MY. I was about to drop to my knees and thank God. Than, the man asked if we wanted to talk with his wife. We didn't have much time, but we spoke to her. It was so nice to see God's hands and work of miracles in our lives. You just never know. You just never know!

Well, I pray with hope that your week will full of joy and experiences.

I love you all,
Sister Sok

39 Years of Her Life

Sunday May 14, 2017 at 9:01PM

Hello Families and Friends!

Many things have happened this week and they have been amazing and a blessing in my life. The areas we are serving in are teaching us much about patience, but I am learning day by day. There are many young adults here and Takhmau is populated with people of all age.

My companion is doing great! My companion and I have experienced many tender mercies and the Love of God in our lives. One of the most memorable experiences I have felt was during one of the most exhausting days ( I got lost quite a few times) we had together, but the miracle that happened at the end of the day has absolutely made us feel our Savior’s love. At the end of the day, we did English contacting by the riverside and handed out crazy amount flyers. Afterwords,  I had this prompting to speak with a grandma by the side of the road, I got to speak with her and found out a little bit about her life. She was so cute, but all in all it wasn’t the time for her to accept the Gospel, yet. I wasn’t disappointed; I just knew that I did what I was inspired to do. We had also planned to teach 2 of our investigators, but both of them did not answer their phones. (It rained pretty hard that day, and we were both filled dirt and mud.) My companion and I decided to right away get off our bikes and prayed for Heavenly Father’s guidance, to fervently ask if there’s someone out there that He has placed in our path and who is prepared to receive the Gospel, please help us see him/her as we cross paths. We then got back on our bikes and rode to who we had planned for a backup. The rode was completely dark and it’s about 7:30 (which is the time most Khmer are home) so there is no one on the streets. Out of nowhere, to right of us, there was this woman carrying suitcases and plastic bags of food, and miscellaneous . It looked like she was lost and that she is a tourist. I had this immediate prompting to get off my bike and speak with her. We asked her where she is from and where she w​​as heading. She was so friendly to us. Later in the conversation, we found that she has been looking for a church to attend and a God who loves her. She was looking for an English school that teaches for free lessons as well.

We also found out that she has endured much pain and suffering in her life and is striving to make a living. We found out she is an orphan and is in need of someone’s love and comfort. We were like, this is such a miracle. I almost fainted, because there was no way in heck.... in this dark rugged way that a woman with a bag full of her belongings is walking alone by the side of the streets seeking God's love for her. (We then met up with her a week a later and she is so amazing! We sat in with her in the Sacrament room and had her feel of God’s love for her. She told us was 39 years old. We knelt down and prayed together at the end of the lesson and We just felt so at peace in the room).

On our way home, my companion and I had this craving for ice-cream, but we knew that in no way Takhmau would have an ice cream shop and I don’t know the new area very well. I just prayed in mind, and out of nowhere there is an ice-cream shop, to the right of us. When we got home that night, we threw off our bags and immediately knelt down to thank our Father in Heaven. I felt such a strong bond of God’s spirit within us both in that prayer.

I have come to learn that the things I am experiencing in my life are OF GOD’S hands. I have come to learn that communication with God can change a person’s life. I have come to learn of obeying the simple things even through the rugged circumstances. To obey and listen in every moment even if the time and place is dark.  My heart is touched when God has allowed my companion and I to have crossed that woman’s path, just knowing that she was at a time in her life where she needed God most. To know it has been 39 years for her, 39 years for her to open her heart to God and to talk to Him for the very 1st time in her life. I am deeply touched. God truly is good.

This is the email, I planned to send out a couple weeks ago, but ran out of time to finish.

Things are going pretty good here. I hope you are all doing well back home in America and wherever you are at this time in place. Things are pretty good here.

We got our transfers call last week and a new group of missionaries just came in. We got the opportunity to meet our new companion. Our mission President had us ride in the Tuk and Tuk AND had us meet them at the airport. They were all so happy and their sparks for what about to embark on were so present at the time. Haha, they got to experience the missionary life that day, because that very same day, we were told to ride in the car and have our new companions ride their new bikes ( it was also raining) back to the mission office. My heart dropped, because they have no idea how to ride their bikes in like a sardine packed full motorcycles, cars, tuks tuks, cycles, tractors, and trucks.  They literally just got out of a plane from America and now, they are going to get hit!!! BUT they made it safe! We are in Ta Khmau and it is pretty great. It is one of the hottest seasons in Cambodia right now. My companion and I are trying to get to know the new area better. I am kinda white washing the area right now, so it is quite an experience trying to get to people’s houses and looking at maps and such which takes so much patience out of me and bike riding. We recently got a referral of a member’s house who lives on this small Island. So maybe we could get to ride a boat there. It is really fun out here, though.

Today is the first preparation day for my companion. We got to take them to experience the Cambodian street market.  They handled it pretty well. There are so many things you could experience at the Khmer market. From the lingering smell of fermented fish paste to fresh veggies to pigs squealing to people yelling around and trying to bargain prices to fish hopping out of the tray right into my skirt and trying to pick it up (the fish hopped at me twice). Haha I literally spent a few minutes chasing the fish around and trying to catch it while my companion stood in all amaze. It was quite an experience. Then in front of another market, there was this kid, with his pet monkey. My companion asked if she could get near it, it grabbed onto her skirt and started cuddling her leg, but then climbed up to scratch her a little bit. It was so crazy. We also went on this scavenger hunt to find a rat trap and something to block rats coming into our house. That was exhausting. We also street contacted of the Gospel and of English class at the market.  Street contacting at the market is one of the most interesting experiences. We then, finally went to this river side and ate lunch there, while standing all amaze at the slowly collapsing bridge.

Thus far in the mission, I have been through many experiences that absolutely took me out of my comfort zone and I am not just talking about the monkey and the fish, but many experiences that helped me see Cambodia from different lenses. To really see the diversity in the lives of many and how some have survived through it. Every moment and every experience in this country makes me realize how much of an impact you can really make in someone’s life. People here are a part of my blood and it is just much more personal. To see the diverse faces of everyone, even just  in the face of the beggars that we see. To feel of what is that substance that I should impart to them. To realize that they truly need hope in their lives. I have come to learn we as disciples, we are asking people to change their lives, it takes so much patience and it is difficult here but all is good.

With Much Love and Gratitude,
Sister Sok

Below are a few pics of English class, my ex-comp when went up to the mountains, my companion when I picked at her up.​

To Witness God's Hands in my Life

Sunday April 23, 2017 at 9:47PM

Hello Hello!

I am currently serving in a new area, called Takmau. I got emergency transferred, because one of the mini missionaries who was called to Australia, Sister Nai got her visa and was immediately called get on the plane. So as being the trio, we had to break up. President chose me to go serve in Takmau.

I am doing well and I am really glad to serve in Takmau and extremely happy to be serving with my new companion Sister Chin, who is my ex-companion’s sister. Though, I do miss Keansvay and Chbar Ampov and the person in the areas, Takmau has made me feel very welcomed, as well. We have been associating with the members and the branch president with missionary work. Our branch president in Branch 2 is a wonderful and strong convert of the Gospel. He went proselyting with us and his testimonies made a powerful influence in the people we taught that day. One of the members who drives the tuk tuk, would always take us to the Kos Kong area on Saturdays. It is a very far area for biking distance. But sometimes, when the tuk tuk driver isn’t there, we would have to put on our biking shorts under our skirts and get going. It is what it is.Haha. Sister Chen had told me that our branch president has been working on establishing a church there, in Kos Kong. There are quite a bit of members there in Kos Kong and investigators who are learning with us.  It would be very convenient to have a church in this area, since it is quite far from our Takmau church.  So that is what we are working on, while in the process of serving in the central part of the main proselyting areas.  I really enjoy the work. Takmau is a bit different from the areas I have served in before.  It is HOT. Like dessert Sahara kinda hot. Only the far areas where we bike are in the more foresty/ jungle areas. It is mainly part city and part country sides (for the farther areas). It is still beautiful though and it pretty convenient when trying to get milk and bread and other American foods.

I am really happy in Takmau and even in just a short period of time, I am getting acquainted with the people and surroundings.  When my mission President  had asked me to transfer out, I didn't quite realize why I was being sent to Takmau, yet, other than the logical reasoning of it. However, a miracle had happened yesterday. One of the members in branch 2 had called me a few months ago while I was serving in Battambang. She had asked to speak with Sister Collins (who served in Takmau), but she sister Collins had already finished her mission.  So, I spoke with the woman and shared her few uplifting messages, since she told me that the spirit had prompted her to call the Battambang number and she was going through some tough times, as well. Well, the sweet woman had lost my number and we lost contact (BB number) for a while. However, once my mission president had sent me to Takmau, I realized one of the reasons why.  I approached the sweet woman and found out that she was the very woman I spoken on the phone with about 6 months ago.  As soon as s realized it was me, she had dropped everything and hugged me.  It was such a sweet reunion. She started crying and bore out her testimonies during Doctrine Principles class and said to me, something along the line of "daughter, thank you so much for speaking with me, I was so sad when I had lost the number, I had gone to Battambang in March for a wedding and tried to find you, but I lost your number. "Ever since, I had been praying to God everyday so I could meet the Khmer sister who lives in America!" I never lost hope in praying. I wanted to meet with you so bad. God has answered my prayers. Ahh man, it was such a tender mercy. I had never thought I would be serving in Takmau.  She was so sweet!

Another tender mercy of experience happened. It was the sweet and tender testimony of our branch president. He is a convert of the church. Lately, he and his wife have been doing some family history work to take to the temple. He has been preparing to go to the Temple for 7 years and has sacrificed a lot. (Also side note, before he joined the church, he was a Buddhist monk.)  He had told us that his wife has been trying to find the name of her ancestors, and especially, her grandma’s to take to the temple. He prayed so hard to receive God’s help in the search. Until one night, he said “ I had been working in the church office and heard a voice from elsewhere. It spoke to hi m about three times. He checked around and saw no one. He knew it is was the spirit of God trying to tell him something. He told us, because he had faith, he was not scared. However, the voice prompted the very specific and sacred message about his wife’s ancestors. Later that night, he told us that his wife’s grandmother appeared in the dream and revealed her name. Words could not describe the feeling felt in the room. It was complete silent.

Here in Takmau, I got to see many more destitute lives in povertous areas of the country sides.  We went to teach a few people in this village. One the little girls, so sweet. Her dad doesn’t  mind her learning with the missionaries. However, our lessons would always get interrupted by her dad and her uncle using her to do their errands, such as buying  cases of beer for them.  Sister Chen told me that the young girl gets abused at times. It is so sad. Yesterday, she came up to me and she wasn’t  feeling very well.  She had been doing house chores before the church service at 2 pm , and have not eaten anything. She was starving. We quickly approached our branch president and asked him for some left over bread. She literally grabbed it so quick and ran to find a place to eat it.  Seeing her grabbed the  bag was one of the sweetest moments, Her eyes became strikingly bright and she was so happy and grateful to have received food to eat.

Brothers and Sisters, one of the sweetest feelings is to have experienced the Khmer’s witnesses of the divine Gospel of Jesus Christ. Seeing how my life has crossed paths with theirs. One of the most difficult experiences is to see the pain in many people’s lives, yet to have witnessed how their lives were blessed because of their faith in Jesus Christ. To stand with Christ is no easy strive, but for it is written: "And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head." I am greatly honored to serve in Cambodia, to stand along and be Jesus Christ's disciple,  to see the hands of God in my life and in the lives of others. I can’t imagine fully how much pain and joy each saint feels, but I got to feel it piece by piece, from the spirit of God, the very pieces of what I've been missing from high above, this is​​ why I get to feel a part of heaven on earth, 1000s of miles and and an ocean away from my home. God is great. I've come to learn that love is and will always be in my Lord, my savior, Jesus Christ. His light is everywhere and anywhere for those who believe, who come unto Him and to seek refuge in Him.  In one of my favorite Christian artist's songs, she sings:

"In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm

What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My comforter, my all in all
Here in the love of Christ I stand

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Oh, Jesus commands my destiny"

With Love and gratitude,
Sister Sophie Sok
Some pictures

I don't think they showed up from a previous email.
I don't have my new comp's pic, but we will hope to try to get it next week.

The Sweet Old Lady

Sunday April 16, 2017 at 10:48PM

Happy Easter!

Sorry for the late Happy Easter, but I hope that your Easter Weekend went well. Easter in Cambodia is quite interesting, especially since it falls on Khmer New Year and hah it gets pretty crazy. Last week and this week, many folks would travel to their provinces, so it was a bit quiet in the province we are in. We were suggested to stay inside the house and not proselyte as much during Khmer Year. My companion told me that they threw rocks at her last year during the New Year and drunk people trying to stop you from biking. For this year, nothing to that extend happened, but it was still pretty crazy. When we got back from the church service,  we entered this village, on the way, we saw a group of teenagers  in the middle of the road, carrying water balloons and baby powder. My companion was in front and these guys stood in the middle trying to hinder us from riding our bikes. One of the them grabbed the back of my companion’s bike and grabbed her face while trying to pour powder on her! It was quite frustrating, they finally let us go. It is crazy to think about it now.

Last week, we got to visit this sweetest old lady.  She has been trying to find a church to attend, since she has moved to Keansvay. Her story gives me shivers. She doesn’t have a house to live in and her children had all left her.  But a lady whose house we get to teach the sweet old lady at had mercy on her and provided her a place to live and took the old lady in to be her servant. When we first met her, she had this beautiful smile while running up to greet us. . She has such a light in her countenance; she makes me miss my grandmother. She started telling us how she got to know of Jesus Christ and many of her living testimonies. The sweet old lady told us how she has suffered from an intestinal illness and another illness that had caused her to need more blood in her systems. While at the hospital, she had no money, not much belongings, and the chance of getting her blood type at that hospital was very scarce. She told us how she got to the point when she accepted the Lord’s will and trusted in His plan for her.  Then, all of the certain a stranger came to her life and offered her the amount of blood and type she needed. It was such a miracle for her. Then,  she was faced with another trial of finding a place to seek refuge. Then a young lady had asked if she needed a place and a job. She started tearing down while telling us more miracles that the Lord had her experience. The spirit absolutely testified of her faith. She had prayed to the Lord to meet someone who would show her on which and where she could attend church, as so she is ready and willing to give God all she has and her life of service to Him.

Another story that helped strengthened my faith in Christ was with a young woman who had been struggling with this mental/emotional illness. She is the only member in her family , but her father is starting to learn about the Gospel. Her mother currently believes that her daughter had been possessed and is carrying some evil spirit. She doesn’t believe in medicine and other forms of help. It is so sad. The young woman truly needs help from the doctor. It is so sad to see her suffer. We are trying to get the branch members to find ways the young woman could receive correct treatment. She has been struggling with her illness for a while, however, ever since she started living the Gospel , she has been receiving much healing. Before, she would go in and out of her flow of consciousness of which is not consistent when were teaching her. We would talk to her, but she would just stare pass us. One day, her illness got really bad and she couldn’t eat and did not want to go outside or even drink water. She had asked the Elders to give her a blessing. Right afterwords, she had stood up and went to get some water and smiled.  It was such a miracle. Now, her family is still working on trying to get her diagnosed. I believe.

I could honestly say that being a disciple of Jesus Christ has helped me grow and to sincerely love people and to truly see their light from Jesus Christ, from a different place, one that is an ocean away from my home. It has made me appreciate life so much more. I was listening to a testimony from a missionary serving here and she has made me realize more and more of the worth of one’s life and the appreciation for everything around me .  I have grown and changed as a better person. Now, when I go out, I get to see much beauty around me, of vast untainted fields, of palm trees, of birds chirping, and flowers all over the place. I am just happy. (There is this movie entitled "Life is Beautiful" directed by Roberto Benigni.  When thinking about going out sharing the Gospel and even writing this letter, it makes me think of the movie. I hope you all do get the chance to watch it.)  As cliché as it is, I get to see how beautiful and I am grateful of Heavenly Father’s creation, all that makes my life worth living for because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ . For others to receive the Joy the Gospel offers them and how their lives have changed.

With love and gratitude,
Sister Sok

Hope you Have a great week!

Sunday April 9, 2017 at 10:53PM

Hello! I am doing well and things are going great in Keansvay and Chbar Ampov. I pray that this story will uplift you.

Her  Devotion to God

I had an opportunity to exchange with an incredible missionary. Her name is Sister Soem. I would describe her as silent dignity. Her story is similar to mine, in some ways they are. She is a pioneer in her family.

I remember sitting down after we got home and just talking with her about our conversion stories. She is so strong. The ambiance in the room  absolutely describes Sister Soem, Silent Dignity. If that makes sense. The room was filled with serenity. As the calm yellow spectrum of the sun's rays reflected off of our glass windows, my heart began to sink deep and deeper into the words my companion shared with me.  and I so remember the immensity of the Spirit of the Lord that lingered in the room.

Her Story: Sister Soem is actually from the Orphanage that I used to visit when I was serving in the city, Tuek Laah area during the 1st half of my training. One of the greatest trials she had to endure was the period prior to her mission. She is the very light for me. She shared her story to some of the missionaries. She described to me about  her journey of standing  as a witness of the Savior, in especially in the face of her  family members, who were non members at the time, I believe. As a young child, she went through some hard times with her family and came on her own decision to live in the Orphanage. The orphanage is run partly, by the church and many of the children there, are members of the church. She became a member of the church when she was about 16 years old and then on, she has had a strong desire to serve a mission. The week before entering the Missionary Training Center/mission, an unexpected tragedy had struck her. She received the news from her hometown village that her 10 year old sister had drowned in a nearby lake.  Her decisions were laid on the table:  to continue to get on the plane and go on the scheduled date or delay it or not go at all. As she conversed with the Lord, she felt that it was His will for her to go that week she is to supposed to go. Her resilience, along with unwavering faith has taught me much. I believe that one of the most important lessons I learned and strive to continue to learn as a disciple of the Lord is to listen and learn, and put them into actions. Just listen and Learn as much as I can about my companions, those around me and to open my mouth in times I am needed to. To embrace the opportunities to cross path with them.

I am learning and experiencing more and more of patience, patience in His time table. I remember my mission President had asked me to open the scriptures to James 1 and ponder in my heart the word divers as it pertains to what God would ask of me during that specific experience and the task he has assigned me.

As James explains:
"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this,  that the trying of your faith worketh patience.But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."

My understanding of the verse continues to help me kneel to His feet and humble myself in times when God challenges me to stand for just another moment. To change the phrase divers to afflictions, to endure them with charity and patience. In every bit of my fiber, I want to hold on to these experiences. I remember the guidance from Sister Christensen in regards to God's plan for me. I often imagine God's children in Heaven and ancestors praying and begging me to hold on for just a little further. For a moment of pain is worth a lifetime of glory to Him who gives me life.  I've learned that the name I put on my chest everyday is the very one that shouts Salvation to those who come unto Him. Salvation for not just my family and but to be his instrument in opening the ways  to help the generations that will come.  I believe in God's miracles, because I have seen and experienced them through my own eyes, not ones of myself, but many because other's lives have changed because of His Divine Light. I know that I love the Gospel and grateful to have met the people here in Cambodia, to help them see that they lives are precious to God. That God loves them. I wish I could tell more, but  the important thing is I know that Christ lives and this is His true Church and Gospel. Thank you for all your support.

With gratitude and Love,

Sister Sok